Welcome to the North Central Florida 9.12 Project Blog

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

In this blog, we will post information from our members... stay tuned!

- Tawnya
North Central Florida 9.12 Project, President


3 Responses to “Welcome to the North Central Florida 9.12 Project Blog”
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PowerPuffGirl said...

Does anyone know how we can get a petition going to create a bill for our representatives to pass 'State Sovereignty' legislation like Texas?

Please Advise

May 22, 2009 at 6:46 AM
Tawnya said...

Just posted a link to a petition for Florida State Sovereignty. Thanks for the suggestion!

May 22, 2009 at 7:45 AM
Unknown said...

I have attended both 912 project and tea party meetings. Both were helpful and brought our grievances to light. However we have been branded as right wing radicals, brushed off as non significant.
Now it is time to go to faze two, direct action against the politicians who are ruining our country.

I do not mean you should do anything violent, threatening or destructive. What I suggest is to start a letter campaign.

The politicians do not respond to email campaigns or petitions, they just blow them off.

What I suggest is to send a letter stating our grievances by certified mail with restricted delivery then the politicians has to sign for personally. As with any large corporation a warning letter of actions that could lead to termination must be received and signed for by the employee the complaint is logged against.

Some of the politicians’ won their elections by less than 1000 votes. If they were to receive 10,000 letters that they personally had to sign for telling them that they work for us and not the government; that they are doing a lousy job it would scare the devil out of them.

The politicians feel we are sheep and rabble with no power to control them.
Remember it is your rights they are taking away.
You don’t have to stand tall in this world but you must stand up or be trampled!
A letter similar to this one below might just do the trick.
Imagine a Congressman or Senator receiving sacks full of letters like this one.

Congressman or Senator

Dear Sir:
It is obvious by your recent votes that you have forgotten who you work for!

It is not the lobbyist!
It is not the political party you are associated with!
It is not those who do political favors just because of your position!
It is not the people lavish you with benefits and gratis gifts!

Sir I would like to remind you it is I, the American citizen who hired you!

You have allowed unqualified people with agendas to be appointed to sensitive positions in our government.
You have allowed people with questionable backgrounds to be appointed to sensitive positions in our government.
You have allowed bills to be passed that hurt this country.
You have allowed the redistribution of my hard earned money to those who neither have the desire or ability to take care of their own lives.
You have weakened our national security.
You have been instrumental in the degradation of America in the eyes of the world.
You have allowed the citizens of the United States to be maligned by your silence.
You have failed miserably in looking out for the best interest of our citizens that hired you by the vote.
Your actions make me wonder if you are looking out for the American citizen or yourself.
This is your first and only notice of pending employment termination.
If you do not become instrumental in curbing the large government ideology, irresponsible spending, which will bankrupt our country and being out of touch with your employers the citizens. You will be fired by your employers at the next election.
No more power.
No more perks.
No more benefits at the tax payer’s expense.
Nothing but a name in the history book.
I and many other like minded Americans will do our best to vote you out of office as you no longer are serving our best interests.


May 25, 2009 at 7:18 PM

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